To provide airline operators with guidelines on safe handling and transport of lithium batteries by air, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched a free online guidance document entitled “Lithium Battery Risk Mitigation Guidance for Operators”.
As per IATA’s regulation, lithium batteries are categorized as dangerous goods. The said document will make it possible for aircraft operators to gain information about safety practices and clear guidelines in transporting lithium batteries. Moreover, it will educate passengers about the risks and potential hazards involved when including lithium batteries in checked baggage. And ultimately, it will help operators in formulating strategies for mitigating the risks associated with the handling and transport of lithium batteries by air.
Kevin Hiatt, IATA’s Senior Vice President for Safety and Flight Operations said regarding the guidance material, “Lithium batteries are safe to transport provided that they are designed, tested, manufactured and packaged in accordance with the global transport safety standards. Developed with the input of leading industry groups specialized in the area of handling potentially dangerous goods, the Lithium Battery Risk Mitigation Guidance for Operators represents an invaluable source of reference.”
The online document “Lithium Battery Risk Mitigation Guidance for Operators” is available free of charge and is also copyright- free that permits download and distribution to interested individuals.
Click here to download the guide.